Our Worship


God, as the Creator, calls us, the creatures, to worship him. This worship is not to be guided by what we might think is convenient, or “relevant,” or attractive to newcomers, or what makes us feel good. Instead, we are to worship God in the ways in which he commands. At Faith OPC, we try to have worship that is faithful to scripture, worship in the way God commands.

If you want to read more about how we should worship, we can recommend a few books:

Below is a sample order of worship that you’ll find at Faith OPC:

Welcome & Announcements
Scripture Meditation
Isaiah 40:11
*Call to Worship

Psalm 100:1-3
*Hymn of Praise
160: Shepherd of Tender Youth
Responsive Psalter Reading
Psalm 23 (Trinity Hymnal, p. 791)
God’s Words of Command
Romans 12:1, 2; 9-13
Silent Prayer of Confession & Repentance
Assurance of Pardon
1 Peter 2:24, 25
*Hymn of Thanksgiving
56: When All Your Mercies, O My God
Pastoral Prayer
Presentation of Offerings & Prayer
*Hymn of Preparation

184: The King of Love My Shepherd Is
Scripture Reading
John 10:1-18
Sermon Text & Prayer
Psalm 23
“The Shepherd-faithfulness of Jesus”
*Hymn of Response

387: Now May He Who from the Dead
*Closing Hymn

731: Doxology